Backou, the courageous teddy bear
Chapter 9 – The birth of Brunette and Grisou.
Filled with joy, they have not noticed that mother is lying down and that she is not moving. The little cubs are hungry and begin demanding milk.
-Mother, what is going on? What do we have to do?
-My darlings. You must both be brave. Your little brother had problems coming into this world and I feel weak. I will not be able to feed and you will need to help me feed them.
-Mother, I am courageous. I will take care of the bear cubs with Canelle. You can count on us.
Backou and Canelle lick the cubs to clean them. They think of a name. It will be Brunette for the little sister and Grisou for the little brother.
Papa is back from fishing. All the family is together again and this evening, the bear family will celebrate joyfully the arrival of the new-borns.
Nursery rhyme: Jean Petit who dances.
Activity: We will also dance with Backou and Canelle to the music “bear dance”.
Let’s listen first, then we will watch to see how to dance it. Click on the image.
Click on the image to see the video.
Start in a circle. Hold each other’s hands.
Step 1
Walk sideways in a circle
Step 2
2 hops on right leg, kick forward on left leg
2 hops on left leg, kick forward on right leg
2 hops on right leg, kick left leg back
2 hops on left leg, kick right leg back
1 hop right leg, kick left leg forward
1 hop left leg, kick right forward
1 hop right leg, left leg kick back
1 hop left leg, kick right leg back
1 hop right leg, kick left leg forward
1 hop left leg, kick right leg forward
Jump all together with both legs to finish off.
Relaxation: Let’s watch and listen the calls of the bear cubs.